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New Germany State Park lists events

Aug 10, 2023

Aug. 4: Weed or Wildflower, 9 to 10:30 a.m. (Nature Plant Garden). Team up with the Friends of New Germany State Park and native plant enthusiasts to help remove unwanted plants from our native plant garden. As you work, you will learn how to identify common weeds and why protecting native plants is so critical for wildlife.

Please come prepared with your own work gloves, knee pads, tick spray, sunscreen, and water.

Aug. 5: Volunteer Meeting, 9 a.m. (Lake House). Anyone interested in volunteering or becoming a member of the Friends of New Germany State Park is encouraged to attend this quarterly meeting. For more information, please email or visit its Facebook page.

Aug. 5: Mushroom Hike, 3 p.m. (Lake House, weather permitting). Join Ranger Noah on this easy-to-moderate 2.5-mile hike, and delve into the fascinating world of wild mushrooms.

Aug. 6: Owl Pellet Detectives, 3 p.m. (Nature Center). Did you know that owls can’t digest bones? Join Ranger Hannah for this hands-on activity and find out what owls had for lunch by dissecting their pellets and identifying the bones of their prey! This is a “come and go” activity, so feel free to drop by at any point during the program timeframe.

Aug. 8: Take-A-Hike Tuesday, 10 a.m. to noon (Lake House, weather permitting). Join Ranger Noah on this challenging 4-mile hike and experience the revitalizing effects of outdoor exercise.

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